A Chapter For My Life

“My plan to implement one chapter in my life.” – Dr. North

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a powerful book with a lot of helpful information. I think it is a book that everyone should read. Anyone can benefit from learning these techniques, but obviously they must be implemented to work.

The chapter I chose is “How to Criticize-and Not Be Hated for It.” The chapter discusses approaching criticism with praise using an indirect approach. This is probably something I would have never thought of on my own. My natural instinct is to say it like it is, especially if I were a boss. I would expect my employees to follow the rules and be courteous. If they were not I would have no problem reminding them of my expectations. I guess the reason I chose this chapter is not because I am afraid to be hated, but it taught me something new. Maybe my way is not the best way.

We are all creatures of habit and we do want to change or find ways of bettering ourselves. Carnegie’s book teaches the art of keeping ourselves open to change and helped me to realize that where I did not think I needed work, perhaps I do.

Dale Carnegie

Now I must figure out how to implement this into my life. I guess I could be very conscious of my reactions to smaller situations in everyday life. I will stop myself and think about the situation at hand and follow the advice in the book. The more conscious I am of my words the more natural this behavior will develop. I will try to be creative with the indirect approach spoken of in the book. I like the scenario where the woman needed the construction workers, adding an addition to her house, to clean up after themselves. Instead of getting upset she cleaned it up herself. Then, the next morning, she thanked them politely for keeping the yard respectable for the sake of her neighbors. Her approach worked beautifully, they began to come to her everyday after work to get her approval on the cleanup that they did.


Overall the book, as well as the chapter I chose, has taught me a lot about human relations. I am really glad I was assigned this book and would highly recommend it.




Labor Unions Cause Price Inflation?

“Do Labor Unions Cause Price Inflation?” – Dr. North

Yes, in my opinion, I do believe government labor unions do in fact cause price inflation. A labor union is an organization of workers dedicated to protecting their interest and improving wages, hours and working conditions. Unions represent many professions.

Unions demanding higher wages with less working hours will only cause a company to raise prices on their product/services. The business will then need to cover the costs that the labor unions have levied upon them. This can drive prices up for the consumer. The government should not get involved at all, but sadly it forces businesses to submit to the people, demanding things that the business can not undertake. The business may even collapse.

So, in closing I want to be clear that there are other reasons for price inflation, but for the purpose of my paper I focused on labor unions.

Difficult Technique for Me

“What would be the most difficult technique in this book so far for you to learn how to do well? Why?” – Dr. North

The most difficult technique for me in Dale Carnegie’s book, How to Win Friends and Influence People would be from the chapter “The Secret of Socrates”. I am not sure I would be good at getting a customer with a no attitude to start saying “yes, yes” immediately. Every person that says no is different, and I wonder if I could assess them quickly enough. Now some people will be easily swayed, however others can be rather difficult. I typically would not let someone disrespect me by nature. I know I would have to learn how to be savvy enough to turn the conversation around and lead the customer to an open minded state where they are willing to work towards the best possible outcome for everyone.


In this chapter Dale Carnegie gave the example of a banker in New York City who encountered a customer that wanted to open a account but did not want to give the required information needed to do so. The banker, before studying human relations, said that he would have turned the customer away. I probably would have done the same. He realized that was not making the customer feel welcomed or important. He knew he must make the customer feel that the necessary information was needed for his sake, not just the banks. He turned every refusal that the customer was giving him around, and with a positive reasonable question changed the customers mind. This is where I think I might struggle. Would I be good at analyzing the situation in changing their mind without them even realizing what I was doing and that we actually agree. The banker was even able to get the customer to do more than he originally entered the bank for.

I really feel like I am going to need to work on everything that was in this book. Every chapter offered something and should be taken seriously. I guess the one in my paper stood out a little bit more.

He who treads softly goes far.” – Chinese proverb

How Important is Trust? – Very

“How important is trust in establishing long-term business relationship?” – Dr. North

But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. – 2 Corinthians 4:2

Trust is important in any relationship in life. Establishing trustworthiness and honesty is honoring God. Certainly, in the business world to be successful clients/customers rely on your honesty with them in a relationship. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Integrity is essential to building a strong foundation and reputation. This means you will have an abundance of reoccurring loyal customers. It is known that word of mouth is the best kind of advertising. You know who you would want to do business with, so be that person.

Building trust begins simply with the way you greet the customer. Energetic positive vibes will create the stepping stone needed to begin that long term relationship. After that, continuing to establish yourself as trustworthy requires many other things. Punctuality can prove to a customer their importance to you. Sincerity will also be key in letting your customer know you truly care. Be sure to nurture the relationship by staying in touch with your customer. Always take responsibility when something goes wrong. Apologize and assure your customer you will do whatever is necessary to correct the error. These are just a few things to help a customer to feel like they can trust you.

Trust is synonymous with your reputation and it begins with the very first customer. Maintaining a certain product or service will reassure them that they know what they are getting every time. This gives them confidence in you.

Again, I can not stress enough the importance of knowing your expectations as a customer because this will translate when you are on the opposite side providing the service. I have written my paper as the provider of the service but these are also the qualities I would need to see if I were the customer paying for a service/product.


In the words of Bob Marley integrity builds the greatness of who we are in all aspects of our lives. The fact that this will make us successful in business is a nice reward.

What Tariffs Actually Do

“Does a tariff on imports also reduce exports?” – Dr. North

Tariffs are taxes that the government instituted to be paid on imports to “protect” us from foreign competition. They restrain us from purchasing imported goods/services that we want. It makes goods/services more expensive for the consumer.




The theory or practice of shielding a country’s domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports. 

Protectionism is a misnomer. The only people protected by tariffs, quotas and trade restrictions are those engaged in uneconomic and wasteful activity. Free trade is the only philosophy compatible with international peace and prosperity. – Walter Block

Tariffs will definitely reduce exports. People in foreign countries paying these tariffs will not have as much money to buy our exported goods. In turn you will not have as much money to buy their goods. When this happens no one is getting what they want but the government.

It is also important to note here that tariffs will cause a decrease in competition thereby causing a decrease in quality of product. When there are less people to sell to it only makes sense that product standards will go down because companies feel less threatened. When the product is less available and we do not have many options we will pay a higher price for a poorly made item.

A Loyalists Point of View of Paine

“Write a critique of Paine’s pamphlets from the point of view of a loyalist in 1778.” – Dr. North

As a Loyalist your message is not one of inspiration but one of anger. Your pamphlets spew rhetoric. It is insulting to the “common sense” of Americans.  Your ideas to sway them of what a government should be is pure hogwash. I believe that you took advantage of your people at a vulnerable time. Your works are based on emotions and not at all factual. You are asking your people to fight in a war that you want. You fill their heads with lies to evoke a rage so powerful bloodshed will surely ensue. You decry Englishmen, calling us liars and tyrants.  I conceive that you are indeed the the liar.




Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”

“The most illogical argument in Common Sense asked of me by Dr. North.

Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776. He presented his argument for why he felt a revolution was necessary. Paine said that his arguments were plain and of a common sense nature. Not so much.


It became America’s first best seller. I do not know how that managed to happen. More rhetoric was being used than logic. For example he stated that a country should have no debt. He then contradicted himself and said that it should have debt…

“The debt we may contract doth not deserve our regard if the work be but accomplished. No nation ought to be without a debt. A national debt is a national bond; and when it bears no interest, is in no case a grievance. Britain is oppressed with a debt of upwards of one hundred and forty millions sterling, for which she pays upwards of four millions interest. And as a compensation for her debt, she has a large navy; America is without a debt, and without a navy; yet for the twentieth part of the English national debt, could have a navy as large again. The navy of England is not worth, at this time, more than three millions and a half sterling.”

The whole thing for me was, to be honest, humdrum and so hard to get through. It could not keep my attention. 

Competition = Better Goods


“Would you pay 20% more to shop at a store that sells only American-made goods?”

To answer this question it would depend on what I am looking to buy, the quality of the good and who has the best price. I am going to buy what is best for me as the customer. Whoever can produce the best good for me will get my money. I am not going to limit myself from only buying in America if I can get what I want elsewhere.

I think we need to get rid of tariffs. I have read that countries with low tariffs are more prosperous than countries that have high tariffs. In the same article it stated that people who embrace free trade have higher incomes than the countries whose people do not. Tariffs also bring down the quality in products because it eliminates competition. Competition is good. When businesses compete with one another they are competing over who can make the best goods for the customers. Lazy workers like tariffs.

“We shouldn’t be putting tariffs on anything. That hurts working men and women in the U.S. What we should be doing is making our manufacturing more competitive.” – Rick Santorun

So going back to the original question I will buy what is best for myself. Having more choices available by means of free trade would be the best scenario.



Using Spreeder

“What would it take for Dr. North to persuade me to use Spreeder for 10 minutes a day?”

This was asked of me by my Business 1 teacher. Spreeder is a website that is used for increasing your reading ability. Helping you read faster and comprehend more.


At first I was doing it everyday for the recommended 10 minutes, then I got behind on my writing assignments in December when I had the opportunity to take a holiday vacation on a cruise. When I got back it just got away from me. I actually noticed a difference in my reading since I have not been doing it. I feel like it has slipped a bit. So I guess Dr. North does not need to persuade me, because I do feel guilty and really want to get back to improving my reading. Reading faster will help me be more productive with my reading assignments thereby allowing for better time management.

The holiday season was and still is a major challenge for me. Between vacation and the holiday itself, it really set me behind. It interfered with my sleep schedule, healthy eating habits and working out. These things are important as they help me to stay in focus. I just forgot about Spreeder. It is only 10 minutes a day so there is no excuse for not doing it. Anyone can take 10 minutes out of their day. This will only enforce good habits that can help me in my future endeavors.